Life After Divorce – Picking Up The Pieces

Thu, Jul 17, 2008

Divorce, Relationships

It is shattering when you go through a divorce, even if you are fully aware you were not happy in the relationship.

When you have history with someone and they no longer want or need you it hurts, you feel as though your life is broken.

Pieces of your life are littering the floor, the idea of dating again is unappealing but it is possible to turn virtually any negative into a positive.

They say life is a rich tapestry and surely it is, with memories both happy and sad affecting who we are as people today.

Rather than a tapestry try to think of your life as a painted plate, each chapter of your life is painted onto the ceramic plate. When you go through a divorce the plate shatters and you are no longer sure who you are but this is a great opportunity to renew yourself.

look at the individual pieces of your life lying on the floor, the different colours, the missed opportunities and the pain you wish you hadn’t experienced.

Now only pick up the pieces you want to keep, remember that when you glue the pieces together the glued sections are actually stronger than the original pieces.

Are there gaps where you wish you had grabbed the opportunity to go sky diving or learn to salsa? Do it now, you are free to make your own choices, to put together a new plate made up of only the pieces that matter to you.

Those broken pieces that you do not want to carry with you into your future just sweep up and throw in the bin. This is a new beginning, a chance to start afresh and be the person you know you can be.

Think how beautiful a mosaic can be and this is made up of small broken fragments, you too can be beautiful and once you realise this you will be ready to date again.

It may not feel as easy as it sounds, it isn’t of course but the important thing is to remember that everything starts somewhere, just picking up one piece and being happy with it is a start toward your future happiness.

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Divorce, Relationship Advice

4 Responses to “Life After Divorce – Picking Up The Pieces”

  1. Christian Premarital Counseling (1 comments.) Says:

    Life after divorce is something that most people who are going through divorce think about. Thinking about having a life after divorce or thinking about how your life will be after divorce, are common because people tend to fear for themselves. Life after divorce can be extremely liberating if you act based on logic plus positive emotions rather than negativity. If divorce is eminent or you’ve already been through divorce, take the time to actually plan your life after divorce.
    Christian Premarital Counseling´s last blog ..Premarital Counseling: 3 Tips My ComLuv Profile

  2. Online Divorce Papers (1 comments.) Says:

    Having a positive attitude about your new life is very important. a positive attitude can give you a happy life after divorce. You can make use of this precious opportunity to rediscover yourself. It is common to have the feeling of grieving after a divorce. It will be very tough if you don’t remain positive about what’s in front of you.
    Online Divorce Papers´s last blog ..Abandonment in Divorce My ComLuv Profile

  3. Psychological Impact of Divorce on Children (1 comments.) Says:

    Once you get rid of your emotional trauma, you should make a good plan for your rest of life. From then on, you may lead a single life which is different from the marriage life. You should think clearly what you want out of your life and how to do to get what you want. Remember that life is not easy, so set a realistic goal for your life. The naïve thinking may lead you to another trauma.
    Psychological Impact of Divorce on Children´s last blog ..When Parents Divorce, Children Feel The Pain My ComLuv Profile

  4. Divorce and Parenting (1 comments.) Says:

    The term “life after divorce” can seem like cruel yet laughable fallacy to those actually faced with the prospect. It can be especially frustrating when everyone around you whom you look to for empathy advise you to pull yourself together and get on with your life. Take heart-life really does go on after a divorce and things are going to get better, once you are ready to take control and take advantage of this chance to start a new.
    Divorce and Parenting´s last blog ..Most Common Cause Of Divorce My ComLuv Profile
