Archive | Marriage

What Makes The Best Wife in the World?

11. November 2009


I was really touched by a comment left by Matt on my article why can’t I find a husband, giving a link to his blog titled “Best Wife in the World”.  To date his new blog consists of just one post but what a post, explaining why he has the best wife in the world. [...]

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Why Can’t I Find A Husband?

12. August 2009


Our mothers and grandmothers didn’t seem to have much trouble finding a husband so why are so many women now complaining they find it almost impossible to find Mr Right? Time and technology marches on but surely human relationships have remained the same since time began? Well no, not really. We only need to look [...]

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The Importance of Cuddling | Relationship Advice

8. March 2009


Cuddling is a special form of intimacy, not the foreplay type of cuddling or cuddling after sexual activity but the ”I love to be with you’ type of cuddling. It’s a great way of bonding with your partner. Have you ever noticed that bubbly, happy people tend to be more cuddly. Whereas stern, stressed out [...]

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Taking Your Relationship to New Heights in the New Year

7. January 2009

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Each year around this time, people are feverishly working on making lists of drastic changes they are going to make in their lives that rarely stick.  While many focus on themselves only in their resolutions, it can be great to consider your relationship as a focal point for some resolutions as well.  Finding new ways [...]

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10 Rules for A Healthy Relationship

21. December 2008


Relationships are never easy to navigate, it takes a lot of compromise from both parties to build a happy healthy relationship. This list of 10 rules for a healthy relationship is by no means exhaustive but is a good start to building a healthy romantic relationship with your partner. Whether you have just started dating [...]

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5 Ways to Show Your Love

21. July 2008


There is a world of difference between loving someone, saying you love someone and showing that someone you love them. Your thoughts and emotions are your own, your Partner cannot feel them or experience your emotions. You can say one hundred times a day that you love your partner but if you then beat them [...]

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6 Rules for Arguing in a relationship

23. June 2008


Anyone that says you should always sit down and quietly discuss your concerns with your partner is either emotionally dead, physically dead, eternally single or an American psychologist. For those of us that are alive and kicking arguments do happen in relationships, however it is necessary to understand the rules of arguing. A constructive shouting [...]

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Can we learn anything from arranged marriages?

10. June 2008


We all hear the horror stories of young women forced into loveless arranged marriages by their families and unfortunately this does happen but that is only one aspect of arranged marriage, albeit a very unpleasant aspect. When I came to the Middle East almost 3 years ago, with my 40 year old independent career women [...]

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