6 Dating Tips for The End of a Date

Ever had that awkward end of date “erm, what do I do now” feeling? We all have, here are 6 dating tips to consider when ending a date.

Or have you said you have had a great time and will call, whilst knowing you have no intention of ever keeping their number let alone calling it?

1. Do you want to see them again? Did they rock your world or have you got that “you’ll do for now” feeling? Do not arrange a second date just to fill in time or because you hate rejecting people. Only arrange a further date if you simply can’t wait to see them again, if there is no chemistry on the first date then I doubt there will be any on a second or third date.

2. Who should pay for the date? …. sorry guys but this one is down to you on a first date. Never get the bill and start adding up who ate what or had what to drink, that is tacky and makes you look cheap. On a second or third date it is down to you who pays or if you split the bill, communication is the key.

3. Don’t play with people’s feelings in order not to hurt them, it is never easy saying to someone they are not what you are looking for. Avoid cliches like “you are lovely but” or I’m just not ready”, there is no need to explain anything just say you don’t think you are right for each other and if they start asking questions about what is wrong with them they have a confidence problem and that is not your problem, just repeat you don’t think are right for each other and make a quick exit.

4. Don’t get down on bended knee, start discussing how many children you want or declaring undying love in the early stages of dating. This smacks of desperation, which is an unattractive quality. Even if your heart and mind are screaming “they are the one” try to keep the first few dates fun, casual and short. This gives them time to miss you and butterflies in the tummy at the thought of seeing you again.

5. The phrase “do you want to come in for coffee” is almost always interpreted as a lot more than coffee and a discussion about poetry, so make sure you want things to go further before inviting your date back to your place for coffee. You may have had a great time and simply don’t want the date to end but do you really want to be playing tonsil hockey at this stage or asking what they eat for breakfast? If not then try to arrange another date before the end of the first date, you can then put the energy into planning what to wear or where to go.

6. The first kiss ….. oh I love this part, it is always so romantic in the movies but of course in real life noses get in the way or you find they have a tongue like an eel. If you go in for the kiss then try not to explore their tonsils, just a nice friendly kiss on the lips will keep them wanting more and let you know how receptive they are to your advances.

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Dating Tips

2 Responses to “6 Dating Tips for The End of a Date”

  1. AvisBailee (1 comments.) Says:

    I think, Never allow someone to believe there is more on offer than there really is. Do not keep your options open with someone if you don’t intend to call them. It is always better to end the date as a full-stop than to keep someone hanging on for weeks after wards. So don’t falsely keep someone’s hopes up, ever.

  2. Sally Says:

    Excellent comment, thank you, couldn’t agree more.
