Archive | Dating Advice

How to Spot an Online Dating Player

27. April 2008

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Every online dating site will have it’s share of players and if you want to find a genuine relationship then learn to spot the players on the dating sites you join. Let’s start with the basics, what is a player and how does joining online dating sites suit their purpose? I would like to thank Simon [...]

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Dating - the Art of Rejection

19. April 2008


One dilemma with dating online is how to reject people you meet offline that simply aren’t what you are looking for. It is so easy to get carried away with the idea of who someone online is, the image of them you create in your mind can be far from reality but until you actually [...]

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Dating and drinking - do they mix?

17. April 2008


Dating someone new can be a nerve wracking experience but is drinking the right way to relax and enjoy the date? Isn’t alcohol an amazing thing, just a few drinks and you transform into a suave, charming, hilarious magnet for the opposite gender. Unfortunately this is only true in your head and perhaps to your friends you [...]

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Dating dilemmas - who should pay for the first date?

16. April 2008


The issue of paying for a first date can be a minefield of feeling as though you are being advantage of, not wanting to appear cheap or money grabbing and not wishing to insult you date. It is a little offensive when you think about it, most women are now prepared to sue at the first [...]

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Dating tactics to avoid - part 1 Desperation

16. April 2008


Desperation in the dating game is not an attractive quality, you are not saying to someone “you are special” but are in fact saying “you’ll do”. I have spent my whole life going at everything like a bull in a china shop and then of course I get bored and go to do something different. [...]

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