Online Shopping – Where to Buy Wellies

Do you need new wellies but don’t know where to buy them or are you finding the prices for wellington boots at your local farm supply shop getting out of hand?

Perhaps every time your welly fills with slurry you promise yourself a new pair but never seem to find the time.

This is where online shopping comes into it’s own, if you know where to shop online you can get a decent bargain and don’t even have to leave the house.

However if you can’t be bothered with shopping around, even online, then you may find this new “where to buy” section of my blog helpful, we will start with wellies just because I love them.

If you simply can’t wear anything but Hunter’s then you can go directly to Target Wholesale …. don’t be confused by the name they are the makers of Hunter wellington boots and they are quite a bit cheaper than a number of sites that sell their products ….. although not as cheap as Discount Wellies, who sell most of the big name brands at cheaper than average prices.

For practical farming wellies you just can’t beat Nora’s in my opinion, again try the above link for Discount Wellies as they are almost eight quid cheaper than my local farm supply shop but they also sell other brands if Nora’s don’t suit your needs.

If you need safety then look at Lawson-His as the prices look good for their Safety Wellingtons or Positive Hands for a good range of safety wellies with free delivery.

If like me you have a zany sense of humour and like to brighten up your day then you simply have to check out the fab designs at WellieArt, life would be so dull without them (although you do get some odd looks at the mart).

Some people are worried about the issue of safety with online shopping, so if you are among those that have yet to try it then please read the guide to safe shopping online at, they also provide a number of good links at the bottom of the article if you do have any problems online shopping.

The UK Net Guide also provide some good onformation on your rights when shopping online in their article how to shop safely online.

Just because I add a website does not mean I am recommending them or have made any purchases from them, they are simply sites I come across that supply good countryside people often look for. However I do try to check out that they have full contact details, information about returns policy and a secure payment system.

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13 Responses to “Online Shopping – Where to Buy Wellies”

  1. :) Says:

    Very Helpfull :)

  2. Cindy from bangor shopping (1 comments.) Says:

    You’ve created a nice list of sites to track down this particular product. I’m trying to develop my website to have similar information in my area in the states. Thanks.

  3. Hannah from funkywellies (1 comments.) Says:

    We stock some nice colourful wellies. Evercreatures wellies have been going for 5 years now and our designs change all the time.

  4. Sally Says:

    Hi Hannah, thanks for letting us know about your wellies. Just visited your site and they look brilliant. If you can email me some information and good images of your wellies I will do a blog post just for you.

  5. Alison (1 comments.) Says:

    Thanks bought mine from Target Wholesale like above.
    They are fab.
    Thanks again


  6. alison (1 comments.) Says:

    Just wanted to say thank you and link you provided is broken i have put it in the info you asked for
    sorry if you got 30 messages it wouldnt let me leave them? and it would freeze on my computer?

    I also like your Working dogs section I have a Short Haired German Pointer who we take on shoots.


  7. Sally Says:

    Hi Ali thanks for letting me know about the broken link, I have updated it so should work fine now.

  8. Sally Says:

    Sorry you had problems Ali, first time anyone has let me know of a problem .. will investigate. Have fixed the broken link, thanks for letting me know.

    I only got 3 messages but best to know if there is a problem … oops I fibbed, just found them all in the spam section because you included a link lol

    I really need to add more to the working dog section but I do tend to get sidetracked … woops.

  9. ellienoble (1 comments.) Says:

    Thank you! I always wanted to write in my site something like that. It shows me how much I need to improve my own blog.

  10. lisa from Woodbury Commons (1 comments.) Says:

    So here’s a dumb question, why are they called Wellies?
    lisa@Woodbury Commons´s last blog .. My ComLuv Profile

  11. Sally Says:

    Hi Lisa

    I believe they are called Wellington Boots (shortened to wellies) because the first Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, who had his bootmaker re-design his hessian boots (named after the place in Germany they were designed). Hessian boots were worn by military officers and were rather ornate and not particularly practical. The re-designed boots were made of leather and became a popular fashion trend, dubbed the “Wellington Boot” in honour of the Duke. The boots were them moulded in rubber once this process was available.

  12. Ruth from Cheap Wellies (3 comments.) Says:

    I am glad you included the bit about buying safely online. Older people especially seem to be a bit worried about this.

    I taught my Mother to always look carefully at a site to check to see if they have lots of details and the secure lock in the bottom left corner.

    She insists on shopping at Marks and Spencer since they are the only online shop she trusts! LOL!

    Great site, thank you.


  13. Sally Says:

    Hi Ruth

    Bless your Mum’s heart, I just love the M&S being trustworthy comment. lmao

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