Grow Your Own Potatoes in Containers

You don’t need 50 acres to be able to grow your own potatoes, you can grow potatoes in pots or containers on your patio, along the side of your drive or even on a balcony and growing potatoes is not nearly as complicated as most people think. We use large buckets or tubs placed around [...]


Organic Food and Nutrition, New Review Released

Oh dear, here we go again with another verbal tennis match between the organic lobby and the conventional food lobby … will it be wet lettuce leaves at dawn? The Food Standards Agency have just released a review, which they themselves commissioned, into previously published studies of the nutritional values of organic and conventional foods. [...]


5 Reasons to Grow Your Own

There are a number of reasons to grow your own and if you have been putting it off then read these top 5 reasons to grow your own and then get out in the garden and start digging. If you are elderly or unwell then get a friend or relative to start you off by [...]

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How to start growing your own vegetables

Growing your own vegetables can be both rewarding and frustrating, depending on how the years crop does. However when they grow well there is nothing like a basket of your own home grown veg, where you know for certain what has been sprayed onto them. Country Life recently published an article stating that “Vegetable seed [...]

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